Father’s Day Celebration As believers, we have a Father who is in heaven but we also have fathers on Earth. This Saturday, we will be having a Father's Day...
Coronavirus Update‼️In keeping with the State and Federal recommendations limiting congregations to 10 persons. We will attempt to make a few major changes...
The Church is Fasting ! Daniel Fast and Jesus Fast Join us as we deny ourselves to please The Father. We, as one body, will embark on the Daniel fast from...
Fasting & Prayer January 11, 2020, from 10:00 AM-12:00: The church will be meeting for our monthly fasting and prayer session. Come and dwell in his...
The Season Of HarvestIt's a time of celebration for the Harvest has come. Psalm 136 say "O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth...
Women's Empowerment CircleHeaded by Rev. Dr. Rose Subryan. Join the Ebenezer women's ministry Sep. 6, for a time of encouragement and empowerment.